Pausing for Spring


I am confident that you have a very full life. So much to do! So much going on! Here at Pudding Creek the sun room is filled with wee sprouts: broccoli, lettuce, peas, and greens. We are working on clearing the smaller invading trees from the apple orchard so that the weathered old apple trees have a chance to continue flourishing. I have created new Yoga & Dharma programming, and I continue to support people that visit here whether they are writing, doing yoga, meditating, or just resting in nature.


I am sure that even Tiger the cat feels like this in the spring. In the early morning he waits by the door so he can go outside and get to work being a cat. Life can feel like we are always rushing to catch the bus with one foot ahead and the mind racing to complete everything. 


A pausing practice can help with this sense of getting pushed; the sense of falling forward into the next moment before this one has even finished. It doesn't take very long or very much effort to pause. You could do it now—just half a heartbeat of a moment can really help. Take a breath, feel your hips, or look out of a window. And then keep going into the miracle and mystery of being alive.


The Winds of Change


Rock in the Road