Something is Bound to Happen! 


Four years ago, I was in the middle of the process of buying Pudding Creek. Everything was up in the air and uncertain. I had some hopes and dreams (fears too!), but I just really didn't know how things would turn out. When looking back, it can seem like, of course, things would turn out as they do. But living it, we can never know. 


Now life is different in so many ways, small and large. I spend more wonderful time outside and I mostly teach online instead of in person. I miss seeing you and feeling that thing that happens when people gather together to heal and awaken. I look forward to those in-person classes because they happen less frequently. I remember to be grateful.


We can't know what adventures are ahead of us and conditions are imperfect.  Life is all of the things; beautiful, hard, funny, boring, and wild. Something is bound to happen! 


Walnuts and a Whiteboard


Tiger Stories