Walnuts and a Whiteboard


About a month ago, I was in an Oakland neighborhood looking for parking. Someone had left a big white board on the sidewalk. I love this about Oakland: leave what you don't need, and someone will take it. It is like the city version of the walnut trees here this time of year. There are enough walnuts (free stuff) for everyone: the chipmunks, me, Joe, the stellar jays, and the ravens.


Anyway, I was thrilled to find a white board to help me stay organized. Every morning, Joe and I find our way to what needs to be done that day and what should be done first. Today, should we put zinc on the roof of the art barn to stop that moss from growing, or do I need to harvest apples, send out the email newsletter, or make programming decisions for next year? I am sure that you know what I mean and have your own list of projects; life is full.


It is easy to see the to-do list from a place of lack. Not enough time, not enough resources. But consider the possibility that the list is an expression of abundance. (In my case, even the white board itself is an expression of plenty!)


I am 3 batches of apple butter, 2 apple pies, 2 apple crisps, 1 batch of apple sorbet, and 1 batch of apple chips into the fall to-do list! 


What is on your list? What is abundant on your life right now? I always love to hear from you!


Who Walks By


Something is Bound to Happen!