Shedding Antlers


Did you know that bucks shed their antlers every year? The antlers drop off this time of year and regrow, each year a little bigger. I am boggled. Surely there is a scientific explanation for how the antlers grow back into the same majestic shape, but to me this is an avenue to awe. 


Yesterday afternoon between rainstorms, I was on the phone outside catching up with an old friend. There was a lot to talk about, and our conversation ranged from everyday stuff to finding connection to the world and living in a way that is beyond a rational "get things done" mindset. It also turns out that she is facing a fairly serious health issue. 


Right after saying goodbye, I looked down and found a freshly shed antler. It has a wonderful weight and feel - soft, smooth, and gently ridged. I felt certain that the antler was a message for her. I showed it to our reclusive wizened neighbor, and he reports that a found antler is a gift of power. The antler surely came from one of our 2 bucks - either Rumple or Stiltskin - and is made of apples and grass (and my lilac bush!). I am not saying that I think she will be necessarily cured because I found an antler, but that the possibility for healing exists. We belong to this great big world, and there may be more to the story than our rational minds know.


The Great Unkown


The Great Imperfect Mystery