The Great Unkown


In California, a big storm is headed our way. It is easy to practice catastrophizing (is that even a word?) when we think about the future. 6–10 inches of rain! Oh my! But it hasn't happened yet and we don't know what the future brings. Let's batten down the hatches and practice staying calm, whether with the coming weather, political storms, or personal challenges. Embellishment and mental leaps to worse-case scenarios do nothing to help us stay steady in the face of the great unknown. In fact, this kind of painful mental activity reduces our power and capacity to respond with care and wisdom when facing the great unknown. 

ps the picture is of a Fetid Adder's Tongue, a wee flower that can be found only on the dimly lit forest floor. It attracts fungus gnats by it's malodorous smell.  Isn't this world amazing?!


Rock in the Road


Shedding Antlers